The Company We Keep
In my small space sharp shadows
slant against the summer evening
reminding us that Scotland is so green
because of the pesky rain. All day
I’ve dipped in and out to watch water
flying into fire, all day listening
for a number out of the sky (which has fallen)
on Kensington. And still there are flames
fluttering 18hrs later, in the black tower…
all this viewing of death, live, continuous
while we wait for that number ‘twelve’
to leap into the hundreds. My mother
told me about a famous Glsagow fire
where the windows were barred
and the workers screaming and no way out
while onlookers screamed. Here I am
weeping like an onlooker, that community
those neighbours, cousins and shop-keepers
keeping company, waiting, like me
to know the worst, all of them holding
themselves together, keeping dry
knowing that this is not yet the time
to water their cheeks...not until
the names fly out of the mouths
of officials with hardened but aching hearts,
how could they not ache for the uncounted?